An event for the young in heart of all ages.
The 2021 Hue-man Race is a
Bubble Trek©
A New Family Event
In 2021, we're adding the Family Relays the Hue-man Race the result is Bubble Trek. Please take a look at the video for a participant's eye view of a bubble gauntlet. We'll have two gauntlets at the Russ Werner Kids Dash site. The bubbles are hypoallergenic, non-toxic and biodegradable. They are considered to be non-staining, but don't count on it!. the event will last for 30 minutes, participants circling between the two bubble gauntlet sites. The path is ONE WAY. It's important to WALK through the 10 yards or so of the bubble gauntlets because the bubbles can be up to 7 feet high and visibility will be limited. An adult or older (and taller) child must hold young children (pre-K through 4th grade depending on height) by the hand going through the gauntlets. Walking, running, jogging and pushing kids in strollers are all fine BETWEEN the bubble gauntlets. Runners stay left, walkers and strollers stay right. Strollers are welcome on the course and through the gauntlets. Please keep them off the Russ Werner track surface, however. Please DO NOT STOP IN THE GAUNTLETS to take pictures or video; have someone off to the side, behind or in front of the gauntlets do that for you. Beware if you have Bleached hair or highlights, they can be a Bubble Trek color magnet, consider a hat your hair may become colorful. Get your friends, family or schoolmates to form a team and create unique uniforms! The Bubble Trek is for FUN.
It's a good idea to wear sunglasses. There should be plenty at The Dash, but if you have them for yourself or your kids, bring them. A head band, bandana or small cloth are good ideas to avoid bubble s in the eyes.
After the Bubble Trek, we will have a bubble bog where you can stand, play, roll, dance and make merry in bubbles for another half hour. The bog will be in the APP Carnival area, so you'll also have a last chance to enjoy the carnival, too.
An event for the young in heart of all ages.
The 2022 Hue-man Race is a
Bubble Trek©
A New Family Event
In 2021, we're adding the Family Relays the Hue-man Race the result is Bubble Trek. Please take a look at the video for a participant's eye view of a bubble gauntlet. We'll have two gauntlets at the Russ Werner Kids Dash site. The bubbles are hypoallergenic, non-toxic and biodegradable. They are considered to be non-staining, but don't count on it!. the event will last for 30 minutes, participants circling between the two bubble gauntlet sites. The path is ONE WAY. It's important to WALK through the 10 yards or so of the bubble gauntlets because the bubbles can be up to 7 feet high and visibility will be limited. An adult or older (and taller) child must hold young children (pre-K through 4th grade depending on height) by the hand going through the gauntlets. Walking, running, jogging and pushing kids in strollers are all fine BETWEEN the bubble gauntlets. Runners stay left, walkers and strollers stay right. Strollers are welcome on the course and through the gauntlets. Please keep them off the Russ Werner track surface, however. Please DO NOT STOP IN THE GAUNTLETS to take pictures or video; have someone off to the side, behind or in front of the gauntlets do that for you. Beware if you have Bleached hair or highlights, they can be a Bubble Trek color magnet, consider a hat your hair may become colorful. Get your friends, family or schoolmates to form a team and create unique uniforms! The Bubble Trek is for FUN.
It's a good idea to wear sunglasses. There should be plenty at The Dash, but if you have them for yourself or your kids, bring them. A head band, bandana or small cloth are good ideas to avoid bubble s in the eyes.
After the Bubble Trek, we will have a bubble bog where you can stand, play, roll, dance and make merry in bubbles for another half hour. The bog will be in the APP Carnival area, so you'll also have a last chance to enjoy the carnival, too.